Sunday 26 July 2009

Leeks pie

23-months-old DS2 was up before the rest of the family this morning, so we had an intimate breakfast and started to prepare lunch: a leek-based dish from Northern France called "flamique picarde". You need to thinly slice, wash and drain the white parts of 10 leeks. DS2 was clearly up for the challenge: in good Montessori fashion, we organized our space to work neatly from left to right. DS2 focused on the self-imposed task of separating the leek rings from each other and placing them in the colander.

After one leek, he decided to turn his attention to the salt dispenser. For the first time, he managed to turn the lid so that a pinch of salt was sprinkled on the kitchen floor when he shook it. No worries: our little Montessori boy headed for the dustpan and brush and cleaned up his mess. In truth, I struggle to pick up fine salt with the dustpan myself, and DS2 actually spread the salt towards the sides of the kitchen. Never mind, the intention was there!

DS2 was playing when I prepared the dough and mixed the cooked leeks with creme fraiche and egg yolks. I used mostly wholegrain wheat flour instead of white (I need to re-stock). 30 minutes in the oven, and...


1 comment:

  1. Bonjour, vous avez laissé un message sur mon blog que j'ai un peu délaissé...sur Montessori...Je vais essayer de le reprendre car j'ai apris il y a quelques mois que ma fille de 8 ans a un trouble envahissant du développement, elle est autiste...Cela m'a causé une grande souffrance qui s'estompe petit à petit, et, en cette rentrée, je compte reprendre les activités montecssori et mon blog.
    Merci à vous de me lire.
